Leauge Games - Crystal Falls Ladies Golf Association

Title Description

3 Hole Throw Out

Players will pick Three Holes to throw Out once play is competed.

9 Hole Invitational & Lunch

After Season Wednesday Golf

After Season Wednesday Golf


Beat the Pro

 Players will receive full handicaps. 

We will play against Joan and Dirk (if they are both available)

They get to pick the format.

This will be announce the day of tournament or before.

If team event:  low net team is winner

If individual event:  low net individual winners

Bent Tree - 18 Shades of Green

Best Ball

Best ball can be played using 2-, 3- or 4-person teams. Each player on the team plays his or her own golf ball throughout the round, and on each hole the low score - or "best ball" - of the group serves as the team score. For example: On the first hole, Player A gets a 5, B gets a 4, C gets a 6, D gets a 6, so the team score for that hole is 4, because the low score of the group was B's 4.

Best Front Nine or Best Back Nine

Pick the best front nine holes or the best back nine holes for scoring.  Full handicaps (36) will be used. 

Big Canoe at Crystal Falls

Big Canoe Women's Invitational

 2 day tournament - 9 hole Scramble on Sunday, 18 hole Foursomes/2 best balls net. 

Bingo, Bango, Bongo

1 point if your tee shot lands in the fairway.

1 point if you get to the green in regulation

1 point if you have the fewest putts in your group.

Winner will be the golfer with the most points.

Brookfield at Crystal Falls

Brookfield Country Club Invitational

Brookfield Country Club Ladies Invitational

Brookstone at Crystal Falls

Butternut Creek Ladies Invitational

 Butternut Creek Ladies Invitational

Cancelled Event

 This Event was Cancelled.

Cartersville at Crystal Falls

Charity Golf Tournament


There will be an end of the year celebration at on the first Wednesday in December.  It will be our last official gathering till the next year's season opener.   

Color War

 Color War: Registered players are asked in advance to wear something of a specific color. Foursomes are organized so that each includes one of 4 different color assignments. The total net score of all players wearing the same color rather than that of the assigned foursomes determines who wins and places 

Consecutive Nines

Choose any nine holes in a row, and subtract half your handicap.  (For example, you may use holes 1 thru 9, 2 thru 10, 3 thru 11, 4 thru 12 and so forth up to 10 thru 18.) 

Criss Cross

Front 9 holes are paired up with the corresponding Back 9 hole. In other words, think of No. 1 and No. 10 as a pair, No. 2 and No. 11, No. 3 and No. 12, and so on up to No. 9 and No. 18.

Following the round, compare the NET scores you recorded on No. 1 and No. 10 and circle the lower of the two. Compare No. 2 and No. 11 and circle the lower of the two, and so on through No. 9 and No. 18.

Then add up the 9 holes you've circled for your total NET score.

Crystal Falls at Big Canoe

Crystal Falls at Brookfield

Crystal Falls at Brookstone

Crystal Falls at Cartersville

Crystal Falls at Eagle Watch

Crystal Falls at Indian Hills

Crystal Falls at Woodmont

Crystal Falls Womens Club Championship

 One Gross winner and One Net winner.  Members Only

Drive for Points/Putt to Win

 Each hole is played separately.

For every drive that lands in the fairway you receive 5 points for that hole.  On Par Threes you receive 5 points for being on the Green in one.

Once you are on the green, count the putts it took to get the ball in the hole.  Subtract your putts from the 5 points for fairway drive or 5 points for being on a Par Three in one.

That is your hole score. 

Nothing after drives and getting to the greens count.

Didn't make it to the fairway or Par Three Green in One,  No Score 0 Move on to the next hole.

Eagle Watch at Crystal Falls

Even Stevens

Low net score of all even holes wins.

Fours Have It

Use only the par 4's.   .

Guest Day

Format for Guest day will be determined by the Event Chairman.  This event can be a two person event or an individual game.  Members may play on Guest day without a guest.  

Hate 'Em

Choose three of your hated holes before the round starts write down a par on each. A stipulation that applies is that the three holes must be comprised of one par 3, one par 4 and one par 5. Played with full handicaps. At the end of the round, add up the strokes (including the three pars on your Hate 'Em holes)

Honest Jane

 When signing in for game on Thursday, player predicts their GROSS score.  

After 18 holes, the player(s) who come closest to their predicted score without going over win.

Indian Hills at Crystal Falls

Interclub End of the Year Tournament

 The format for this event is up to the host club.  Check with your Interclub representative for Tournament information


Love'm & Hate'm

 Pick any 5 Par 4s  any 2 Par 3s and any 2 Par 5s

9 Hole Score total

Add together gross score from each chosen hole.

Use 50% of handicap to determine final score.

 May pick up if you get in trouble but must have 5 Par 4s, 2 Par 3s and 2 Par 5s played from tee to green to qualify for tournament.

Low Gross/Low Net

Total Gross & Total Net

Low Net Game

Gross score minus full course handicap. 

Low Putts

Keep track of your number of putts throughout the round. At the end of the round, total up the putts.

Once your ball lands on the green, you start counting your putts. If you land on the green and then roll off the green, this still counts as a stroke.

Luck of the Draw

Before teeing off each player will draw three bonus shots to be used anytime during the 18 holes of play, such as player hits from the silver tee, move ball from rough to fairway, etc.

Lucky 13

At the end of the round you will have circled 13 loles to count as your total Net score.  The catch is after you complete each hole you must decide then if that hole will be counted as one of your 13 holes for your Net Score.

Match Play 2 Partners

 Full handicap (36)  Play a two person team.  Each player plays their own ball through the green.  Take one best net ball of the twosome for scoring.  If partner is out of hole may pick-up.

Match Play Against Par

 Match Play Against Par

 Format:  Match play against par:

 This format lets you play against the golf course instead of playing against other golfers.

Your opponent is the Hole  You will be playing with your handicap on each hole.  The hole is always Par.  You will use your strokes on each hole to find your net score.

 Place your gross score on the scorecard.  Subtract your strokes. On the line below your name indicate your score as follows:

   + if you have a net birdie  You are ONE UP

    -  if you have a net bogey  You are DOWN ONE

     /  if you have a par   You have TIED THE HOLE

 Take chances!! A triple-bogey is no worse than a bogey.  Take advantage of stroke holes.

 Example:  On hole # 1 Par 4 You have 2 stokes and your gross score is a 6.  You have a net score of 4.  You tied the hole.  Place a / on the line under you gross score.

            On hole # 1 Par 4 You have 2 strokes and your score is a 5.  You have a net score of 3 (net birdie) You won the hole. Place + on your card.

 How to determine Net Score:  Gross score (how many strokes it took from tee to green) minus Net Score (how many strokes you receive on each hole based on your handicap) determines Net score on each hole.

Match Play Individual

 2-1 General

Rules for Individual Match Play:  In match play the game is played by holes.  The hole is won by the side that holes  its ball in the fewer strokes. In a handicap match, the lower net score wins the hole. The state of the match is expressed by the terms: so many "holes up" or "all square," and so many "to play." A side is "dormie" when it is as many holes up as there are holes remaining to be played.


2-2. Halved Hole
A hole is halved if each side holes out in the same number of strokes.

2-3. Winner of Match
A match is won when one side leads by a number of holes greater than the number remaining to be played. If there is a tie, the Committee may extend the stipulated round by as many holes as are required for a match to be won.

2-4. Concession of Match, Hole or Next Stroke
A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match. A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole. A player may concede his opponent’s next stroke at any time, provided the opponent’s ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side. A concession may not be declined or withdrawn.

Match Play Team Interclub

 Match Play Team Interclub

 2-1 General

Rules for Team Match Play:  In match play the game is played by holes.  The hole is won by the side that holes  its ball in the fewer strokes. In a handicap match, the lower net score wins the hole. The state of the match is expressed by the terms: so many “holes up” or “all square,” and so many “to play.” A side is “dormie” when it is as many holes up as there are holes remaining to be played.

2-2. Halved Hole
A hole is halved if each side holes out in the same number of strokes.

2-3. Winner of Match
A match is won when one side leads by a number of holes greater than the number remaining to be played. If there is a tie, the Committee may extend the stipulated round by as many holes as are required for a match to be won.

2-4. Concession of Match, Hole or Next Stroke
A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match. A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole. A player may concede his opponent’s next stroke at any time, provided the opponent’s ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side. A concession may not be declined or withdrawn.

Scoring:  Winning team scores the most points

1 point for front 9

1 point for back 9

1 point overall

(3) points total

Member Guest

 Member / Guest

 Format:  Holes 1 thru  9 played as a scramble.  Holes 10 thru 18 played as Best Ball

 Holes 1 thru 9:

SCRAMBLE – Both players will drive the ball.  They will then go to the best drive and both will hit the next shot.  They will proceed in this manner through the green. (until the ball is in the cup) Place one score on bottom of card. Fifty percent of combined handicap will be used for scramble. Play the ball one club length in fairway; one putter head length on greens.


Holes 10 thru 18:

BEST BALL – Each player will play their own ball through the green. On completion of hole, place the gross scores on the score card.  Subtract the handicap (full handicap) strokes and place one best net score at the bottom of card. If you are out of the hole you may pick-up.

Member Guest Practice Round


 Use this as a practice round to prepare for the member/guest or just play with another member.

The format for the Member/Guest is:

            Front 9 Scramble      

Back 9  Best Ball of the Twosome

Member Member


Gross / Net Winners

Format:  2 Person Teams  Best Ball of the Twosome

                Two Flights:  Two Person Gross Winners and Two Person Net Winners

               Gross Winners:  Each team will put down their best Gross Score   

                Net Winners full handicaps will be used.

Only one score for  Gross and one score for Net for each team needs to be used. 

 Remember if one player has a par and no dots on a hole and the partner has a bogey and two dots you should put the par down for the gross score and the handicapped birdie down for the net score.


This Game will be a team event.  The number of players on a team will be determined by the number signed up for that day.

The Format will be a team format chosen by your play-day chairperson.

Some of the formats used will be scramble, Texas scramble, shamble, etc.

The team handicap will be made up of a percentage of each players handicap.  Teams will be made up of ABCD players. 

Monet Golf Tournament

 Benefit for The Bowen, Dawsonville

Most Net Pars or Better

 Player with the highest number of net pars or better for the round wins.  Pick up at max.

Mutt & Jeff

Add all par 3s (net) plus all par 5s (net).

Nine Holes Scramble & Lunch - plus Nine?

We are inviting the ladies from Big Canoe & Bent Tree to join us to play a 9 hole Scramble and then have lunch.  If you would like to play 9 more holes in the afternoon, please let us know.

No Game

 No Game is identified - No Prizes awarded

Odd - Even

Format:  Score based on nine holes.

The Player can choose whether they wish to count Odd Number Holes or Even Number Holes for the Nine Hole Score. This can be done before, during or after the round.

Remeber you can pick up on holes you are not counting for your score.

Odd Holes:

     Front:  #1   #3   #5    # 7    #9         Back:   #11     #13     #15     #17

Even Holes:

     Front:    #2    #4    #6    #8            Back:    #10    #12    #14    #16    #18



OH, NO!!! OH, YES!!!

Before tee off, choose any 2 par 5's, 2 par 3's and 5 par 4's for the game.  You may not change holes after tee off.  These 9 holes are your net score for the game.


 Use only the scores fo the holes that begin with the letters O, N, E and S.  (1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18). 

Opening Day - Meeting, Brunch, Scramble

Pink Ball

Each player in succession will play the PINK ball from tee to green. Rotate the PINK around team so that a different player uses it on each hole. Put the score for PINK Ball in the Pink Ball Score Box. If you lose the PINK ball, your team is out of the game; whoever returns the PINK Ball at the end of the game, will be counted in for the game. Keep your own individual 18 hole score to post. 


Format:  Points are as follows:

     1 Point for double bogey

     2 Points for bogey

     3 Points for par

     4 Points for birdie

     6 Points for eagle

Your handicap will be subtracted from 54.  That will determine the number of points you need to be even.  You may pick up after a double bogey.  You will not get any points for anything higher than a double bogey. 

Poker Golf

 In golf's Poker, though, you are using your golf scores to build that Poker hand. And in Poker, you are building one hand from your front nine scores, and a second hand from your back nine scores. That means any group playing Poker gets to play it twice.


What poker hand can you build from that? You can build a full house, fours over threes (4-4-4-3-3). Note that you also had three 5s on your front nine, but low scores are better. Also note that in Poker, you are building five-card hands, which means four holes per nine aren't going to matter for the purposes of this betting game. If your group is playing Poker as a solo game (not in combination with any other games, and not betting on the actual total scores), then you can play aggressively on every hole knowing that four holes won't matter for the game.

How do hands rank in the golf version of Poker? This is the heirarchy:

  • Five of a kind
  • Four of a kind
  • President's Cup 6 6 6

 Presidents Cup 6/6/6

 Format:  Two players (high handicap – low handicap)

Holes 1 thru 6:  SCRAMBLE – Both players will drive the ball.  They will then go to the best drive and both will hit the next shot. They will proceed in this manner through the green (until the ball is in the cup).

 Holes 7 thru 12:  MODIFIED BEST BALL – Both players will hit drives and go to the best drive. Each player will then play their own ball through the green (until the ball is in the hole).  Take the best score of the two balls and put that on the score card.

Hole 13 thru 18:  ALTERNATE SHOT - Both players will hit drives and select the drive you want to use. The person, whose drive you did not use, will then hit the next shot.  You will continue to alternate until the ball is in the hole.  Count strokes and place on score card.

Cards will be marked for each change of format and 50% of each person’s handicap will be used.


 Play the Ball from tee through green (can pick-up at max)

You can only hold the title Queen once during the year.  If  you win the Queen play day more than once, you will be entitled to 1st place money but not the title Queen.  The runner-up (princess) will then become Queen, get parking space for the month, become elegable for play-off,  but take home 2nd place money. 

If 1st and 2nd place low net winners have both held the Queen title, continue until a non Queen winner is found.  They will be able to use the parking place, but will not receive any cash winnings. They will be elegible to participate in Queen play off.

Monthly winner will get to use the Queen Parking Space for the month they win.

Queen Play off winner will use the parking space for the remainder of the year.

Queen End of the Year Playoff

 Queen End of the Year Tournament

 Format:  Net Play 18 or 9 holes depending on the weather.   Winner is low net at the end of the round.  If there is a tie it will be broken by a Chip-off.  Rules as follows:  

Chip –off on the 18th hole if needed.  Set up on the right side of green near the center, 3 to 5 yards away from the edge of the green.

 18th Hole:  Right front of the green – 3 to 5 yards from the edge of the green

18th  Hole:  Left center, 3 to 5 yards from the edge of the green.

18th Hole:  Front center, 3 to 5 yards from the edge of the green.

18th Hole:  Two players left – if there is a tie, go to chip-off at the front center of green.

 Winner will receive the parking spot for the entire year.

They will hold the title Queen and receive $20 winning.

 Ladies not playing in queen will play a Points game.  Payout will be made based on number of players. 

Queen plus Club Champs

 This event will include the October Queen contest, plus the 2019 Club Championships Net and Gross

Quick Draw Nine

While players are on the course. the pro randomly chooses/draws any nine of the eighteen holes to be used for the game. When players finish, they add the scores for those nine holes and subtract half their handicap.

Rain Date for Member/Guest or Bingo Bango Bongo

 1 Point for Ball landing in fairway.

 1 Point for getting to green in regulation.

 1 Point for fewest putts in your group.

Winner is golfer with the most points.

Ringer - Round 1

Format:  This is a two day tournament. 

First Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

 You must play the ball out on each hole (you may not pick-up and take max).

 Second Wednesday:  Improvement Day: You are playing to improve the holes from the 1st Wednesday.  Circle the best hole score of the two days.  If you are having a bad hole and know it will be higher than the 1st  Wednesday you may pick-up.  One net score of each hole over two days will be the winner.

Ringer - Round 2

 Format:  This is a two day tournament. 

First Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

 You must play the ball out on each hole on holes you wish to used that holes score.  All other holes you may pick up and use a previous hole score.

Ringer 3 Final Round

 First - Second - Third Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

Each Ringer Wednesday played, you will pick your best net score on each hole to make up your total Net score.

Best Lowest Net Score wins.


A scramble is where the team consists of two, three or four players. After each shot, the best of the shots is selected, and all players play from that spot (no more than 1 club length in a similar lie and no closer to the hole) until the ball is holed. One team score is recorded. 

Scramble Step Aside

Members of each 4-person team in the tournament play a scramble, but the golfer whose ball is chosen for each shot has to sit out the next stroke.

Scratch and Scramble

 4 ball stroke play.  An example is:  A and B are partners.  A's handicap is 10. B's handicap is 15 for total combined handicap of 25.  Divide by two to arrive at a handicap of each of 12-1/2.

On each hole the scores of the two players are added and then divided by two.  The result being the score of each for the hole.  For example, A scores 5 and B scores 4, making a total of 9:  Divide by two, making the score for the hole 4-1/2.

This format will be most interesting if the Pro Shop will draw the teams without regard for personal preferences of the membes, combinging a high handicap player with a low handicap player.  This will bring players together who have never played together before.  I will also give the higher handicap players an opportunity to play with the better players & to learn about the game and its rules.

Selected Score 36 Holes

 Each contestant plays 36 holes.  From the player's 2 cards, he can select the best score on each ole and apply his/her handicap.  The player with the lowest net score for his/her 18 best holes is the winner.

Selective 9

Each player may choose either the front nine or the back nine for scoring.


 Format:  Stableford scoring system is as follows:


     1 Points for bogey

     2 Points for par

     3 Points for birdie

     4 Points for eagle

      5 Points for albatross (double eagle)

       6 Points for Condor

Your handicap will be subtracted from 36.  That will determine the number of points you need to be even.  You may pick up at double bogey.  You will not get any points for anything higher than a bogey. 


All players tee off and play till all have putted out.  The player with the best score, circle that score.
Hole #2:  All players tee off and play till all have putted out.  Of the remaining three players, circle the best score.
Hole #3:  All players tee off and play till all have putted out.  Of the remaining two players, circle that best score.
Hole #4:  All players tee off and play till all have putted out.  The remaining last player must use their score and is known as “The Sucker in the Bucket.”
On Hole # 5, you start over and following the same rules as Hole #1 through #4.  
(If you do not have a foursome, follow the rules based on the number of players you have in your group)

T''s & F's

 A T and F tournament counts only scores recorded on holes beginning with "T" or "F".  

Texas Scramble

Team Event  Everyone hits their drive.  Pick the longest drive and everyone plays their own ball through the green. Handicaps will be adjusted and used.  Two best net balls for scoring each hole. 

Three Hole Throw Out

 Format:  Pick one par 3, and one par 4, and one par 5. 

 For the total score of the round you may throw out the scores from one par 3, one par 4, and one par 5.  Add all the other scores together and that is your gross score.

 A percentage of your handicap will be used to determine net score.

When playing a par 3, 4, or 5, and you know you are not going to count that individual hole you may pick up.  Player must play all other holes through the green.

Three, Two, One

For team score. use best 3 scores on Par 3's, best 2 scores on Par 4's and best 1 score on Par 5's.  Use individual's net score.

Throw Out one par 3, 4, & 5

 Pick one par 3, 4, and 5, to throw out of your score.  All the rest of the net scores count.  

Who's Your Partner?

A simple game but one with a little intrigue. You simply play your 18-hole round and then after everyone has completed you randomly draw names to pair everyone up with another player.  Add the two partner low net scores together to find the winner.

Winter 9 Holes

Winter 9 Holes - no game

Womens Club Championship

 Gross and Net winnners.  CF members only.

Woodmont at Crystal Falls