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Crystal Falls Lake and Golf Club (770) 894-4972
Dirk Dill, PGA Professional
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Click the "Send Blast Email" box if you want the system to send a blast email to members who have opt to receive emails.

*Mandatory field and must be completed.

* Event Type: Category: (Optional)
Change Status:
Event Name: (optional)
Chairperson 1:
*Send Blast Email?:
Send Blast Email To Guest?:
*Date: Time: (Time hh:mm tt) (hh:mm am/pm format; 01:00 pm)
*Closed Date: Closed Time: (hh:mm am/pm format; 01:00 pm)
Golf Course:
Address: Suite/Apt: (Optional)
City: State: Zip code:
Comments: (Comments will
also appear in an Email if you
click the"Send Blast Email" check box)
Attachment 1: File size limit 1500 kb; must be .png, .jpg or .pdf extension.
Attachment 2: File size limit 1500 kb; must be png, .jpg or .pdf extension.
# of max Attendees or Players: ?
Format/Game 1: (Optional)
Format/Game 2: (Optional)