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Dirk Dill, PGA Professional
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USGA Golf Etiquette 101

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Rule of the Day

Golf Games

printMeListed below are the active games identified with our league. Click on the printer image to print a copy of the games.

Title Description
Interclub End of the Year Tournament

 The format for this event is up to the host club.  Check with your Interclub representative for Tournament information

Love'm & Hate'm

 Pick any 5 Par 4s  any 2 Par 3s and any 2 Par 5s

9 Hole Score total

Add together gross score from each chosen hole.

Use 50% of handicap to determine final score.

 May pick up if you get in trouble but must have 5 Par 4s, 2 Par 3s and 2 Par 5s played from tee to green to qualify for tournament.

Low Gross/Low Net

Total Gross & Total Net

Low Net Game

Gross score minus full course handicap. 

Low Putts

Keep track of your number of putts throughout the round. At the end of the round, total up the putts.

Once your ball lands on the green, you start counting your putts. If you land on the green and then roll off the green, this still counts as a stroke.

Luck of the Draw

Before teeing off each player will draw three bonus shots to be used anytime during the 18 holes of play, such as player hits from the silver tee, move ball from rough to fairway, etc.

Lucky 13

At the end of the round you will have circled 13 loles to count as your total Net score.  The catch is after you complete each hole you must decide then if that hole will be counted as one of your 13 holes for your Net Score.

Match Play 2 Partners

 Full handicap (36)  Play a two person team.  Each player plays their own ball through the green.  Take one best net ball of the twosome for scoring.  If partner is out of hole may pick-up.

Match Play Against Par

 Match Play Against Par

 Format:  Match play against par:

 This format lets you play against the golf course instead of playing against other golfers.

Your opponent is the Hole  You will be playing with your handicap on each hole.  The hole is always Par.  You will use your strokes on each hole to find your net score.

 Place your gross score on the scorecard.  Subtract your strokes. On the line below your name indicate your score as follows:

   + if you have a net birdie  You are ONE UP

    -  if you have a net bogey  You are DOWN ONE

     /  if you have a par   You have TIED THE HOLE

 Take chances!! A triple-bogey is no worse than a bogey.  Take advantage of stroke holes.

 Example:  On hole # 1 Par 4 You have 2 stokes and your gross score is a 6.  You have a net score of 4.  You tied the hole.  Place a / on the line under you gross score.

            On hole # 1 Par 4 You have 2 strokes and your score is a 5.  You have a net score of 3 (net birdie) You won the hole. Place + on your card.

 How to determine Net Score:  Gross score (how many strokes it took from tee to green) minus Net Score (how many strokes you receive on each hole based on your handicap) determines Net score on each hole.

Match Play Individual

 2-1 General

Rules for Individual Match Play:  In match play the game is played by holes.  The hole is won by the side that holes  its ball in the fewer strokes. In a handicap match, the lower net score wins the hole. The state of the match is expressed by the terms: so many "holes up" or "all square," and so many "to play." A side is "dormie" when it is as many holes up as there are holes remaining to be played.


2-2. Halved Hole
A hole is halved if each side holes out in the same number of strokes.

2-3. Winner of Match
A match is won when one side leads by a number of holes greater than the number remaining to be played. If there is a tie, the Committee may extend the stipulated round by as many holes as are required for a match to be won.

2-4. Concession of Match, Hole or Next Stroke
A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match. A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole. A player may concede his opponent’s next stroke at any time, provided the opponent’s ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side. A concession may not be declined or withdrawn.

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Displaying 21 thru 30 of 70 games.. To view more click on the links above.