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Crystal Falls Lake and Golf Club (770) 894-4972
Dirk Dill, PGA Professional
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Golf Games

printMeListed below are the active games identified with our league. Click on the printer image to print a copy of the games.

Title Description
Quick Draw Nine

While players are on the course. the pro randomly chooses/draws any nine of the eighteen holes to be used for the game. When players finish, they add the scores for those nine holes and subtract half their handicap.

Rain Date for Member/Guest or Bingo Bango Bongo

 1 Point for Ball landing in fairway.

 1 Point for getting to green in regulation.

 1 Point for fewest putts in your group.

Winner is golfer with the most points.

Ringer - Round 1

Format:  This is a two day tournament. 

First Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

 You must play the ball out on each hole (you may not pick-up and take max).

 Second Wednesday:  Improvement Day: You are playing to improve the holes from the 1st Wednesday.  Circle the best hole score of the two days.  If you are having a bad hole and know it will be higher than the 1st  Wednesday you may pick-up.  One net score of each hole over two days will be the winner.

Ringer - Round 2

 Format:  This is a two day tournament. 

First Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

 You must play the ball out on each hole on holes you wish to used that holes score.  All other holes you may pick up and use a previous hole score.

Ringer 3 Final Round

 First - Second - Third Wednesday:  Your card will be stroked for handicap.  You will keep your net score (gross score minus handicap is net score).

Each Ringer Wednesday played, you will pick your best net score on each hole to make up your total Net score.

Best Lowest Net Score wins.


A scramble is where the team consists of two, three or four players. After each shot, the best of the shots is selected, and all players play from that spot (no more than 1 club length in a similar lie and no closer to the hole) until the ball is holed. One team score is recorded. 

Scramble Step Aside

Members of each 4-person team in the tournament play a scramble, but the golfer whose ball is chosen for each shot has to sit out the next stroke.

Scratch and Scramble

 4 ball stroke play.  An example is:  A and B are partners.  A's handicap is 10. B's handicap is 15 for total combined handicap of 25.  Divide by two to arrive at a handicap of each of 12-1/2.

On each hole the scores of the two players are added and then divided by two.  The result being the score of each for the hole.  For example, A scores 5 and B scores 4, making a total of 9:  Divide by two, making the score for the hole 4-1/2.

This format will be most interesting if the Pro Shop will draw the teams without regard for personal preferences of the membes, combinging a high handicap player with a low handicap player.  This will bring players together who have never played together before.  I will also give the higher handicap players an opportunity to play with the better players & to learn about the game and its rules.

Selected Score 36 Holes

 Each contestant plays 36 holes.  From the player's 2 cards, he can select the best score on each ole and apply his/her handicap.  The player with the lowest net score for his/her 18 best holes is the winner.

Selective 9

Each player may choose either the front nine or the back nine for scoring.

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Displaying 51 thru 60 of 70 games.. To view more click on the links above.